May 9, 2024

Chicago Probate Attorney

As the saying goes, “only two things are certain in life: death and taxes.” The best way to minimize taxation and ensure that your family is taken care of after you’re gone is with an estate plan. A Chicago IL Wills & Trusts Attorney can help you establish the right legal documents to protect your loved ones after your death or incapacitation.

Our team combines extensive experience in the field of estate planning with a thorough understanding of Illinois law. We take the time to listen and understand your unique circumstances and goals, and we craft a tailored estate plan to meet those needs. We are dedicated to ensuring that your wishes are carried out in a timely and efficient manner.

Our firm has an excellent reputation for client service and a dedication to helping families of all sizes stay out of probate court. We have handled complex estates for business owners, local elected officials, media personalities and professional athletes and their families. We are also well-versed in trusts, living wills, power of attorney documents and real estate transfers and have the skills necessary to provide a complete range of services for our clients.

Having a trust drawn up by the best Chicago Trust Lawyer can save your family money, prevent conflict between beneficiaries and ease the stress of handling a deceased loved one’s estate after their passing or incapacitation. Trusts allow you to choose trustees that will distribute your assets in line with your wishes. They can also avoid a costly probate process and reduce the amount of taxes you are required to pay.

Probate is the court process that oversees the distribution of a deceased person’s assets to their heirs and ensures that any outstanding debts are paid off using funds from the estate. An experienced Chicago Probate Attorney will assist you in navigating the complicated process, including identifying all assets, filing required documents, publishing public notices and preparing to file taxes. Our lawyers can also resolve disputes between heirs or creditors and defend your rights in contested probate matters.

When a person dies without a will, their property is distributed according to state laws. This can lead to disagreements between heirs, and it can also cost the estate more than necessary due to taxes. In most cases, if a person is survived by a spouse and children, then the estate will pass to them. However, this can vary from state to state.

Our attorneys will assist you in the preparation of a comprehensive estate plan that includes a will, durable powers of attorney, health care directive and advance health care directive. We will also help you to avoid the costly and lengthy probate process by establishing a trust that includes revocable and irrevocable provisions. We will guide you through the entire process to ensure that your wishes are carried out exactly as you wish. We offer a no-obligation free estate planning consultation. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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